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Hello, Leo season!
Monday 11 August 2014 | 0 comments
Hi :)

These past few days has been pretty great for me hehe.  I've been kept busy going on dates with my new boyfriend!  I want to squeeze in as much fun as I can before school starts.

He has a dog named Rogue and she's absolutely adorable<3  I can't wait till we can have dates where we walk her around the parks and stuff.  I've always wanted a dog but my family never allowed us one.  Now I get a choice of Katsu and Rogue! (By the way, can we just talk about how he chose the most perfect name for her?  Can you tell that we clearly bonded over comics?)

I stayed over the other night and he made me breakfast in the morning :)  Brownie points for knowing to give me four slices of bacon.

It was also John's birthday the other day.  I'm so glad we're in Leo season right now.  All my favourite Leos are celebrating their birthdays and I'm making me super happy.  My brother's birthday just pasted a week ago or so.  Mike's birthday is coming up too, but he'll be in Japan on his birthday.

I picked up a couple of things from the drugstore a couple of weeks ago.  I'm loving the nail polish I picked up,  I also picked up two lip liners just because they're always handy to have, and a gold liquid liner from essence.  It's part of their new Beach Cruise collection for the summer.  They also had a teal/green liner but I think gold is the way to go.  I'm loving the double black-gold liner thing.

 Speaking of makeup, today I picked up a new essie polish.  This is the first time I've picked something in the sheer-white-pink tone and I'm quite liking it.  I also picked up a new eyebrow pencil and gel.  Eyebrows are clearly really important to me if you haven't noticed.

I got to hang out with my cousin after she came back from her vacation the other weekend.  We spent the day downtown near the harbour and at Sugar Beach just sitting at a patio and eating some fish and chips.  It's always nice catching up with family and spending time downtown.  I'm definitely a downtown city kind of girl.  Living up in the suburbs really isn't fun for me so I take any chance I can get to travel back to civilization and surround myself with tons of thousands of strangers.

 This "morning" I went to eat pho with my brother for a late (read as: 4pm) breakfast.  Does anyone else get sudden cravings for pho?  I swear, it's one of the best foods in the world known to man and could cure all your sicknesses.

Anddddd here's a bunch more random stuff.  That's all I really wanna update for now!

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