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So here's the sitch.
Wednesday 23 July 2014 | 0 comments
Summer is half way over and it's sad that I'm still actually "in school".  Is school just being ridiculous because my summer doesn't "officially" start until the end of this month, after my exam.  Anyway, that's pretty much what I've been up to lately.  Kidding.

I probably disappeared because I went camping.  Yeah, me.  Camping.  Look, I have pictures to prove it.

It was my first time and I think my favourite part would be eating by the campfire.  There was a beach near our camp site so we ventured off and hung out there for a while.  It was a really fun weekend full of booze!  We're going back in the beginning of September right before school starts :)

Besides that, I recently finished reading The Fault In Our Stars because so many people seem to have hyped it up.  It was an alright book.  I ended up picking another one of John Green's books.  This one I'm currently still reading, but so far it has gotten my attention.

Coke started releasing custom named bottles in stores this summer.  This isn't a new thing to me as I've seen them in other countries before, but I was really excited to find them here.  I found a bunch of my friend's names and sent them pictures of their bottle, but I just couldn't resist picking up my own. 

 One thing that I'm really proud of myself for doing is actually picking up a paintbrush and painting!  Ever since high school ended, I never painted after that and it's a shame because I almost forgot how much I actually loved painting.  I drew up this idea exactly a year ago and it was actually a mural idea that I was going to paint on my wall, but I decided a canvas was probably the better alternative.  Anyway, I spent 7 hours or so painting it but it was totally fun and worth it.  I absolutely love seeing my hand covered in paint, and I managed to go through a whole tube of white.

Tonight, I managed to cross off another painting I've been meaning to do for the longest time.  Of course, I picked up more white paint and I spent the entire night doing this little bad boy.  I need to hang this somewhere in my room.

I bought two lipsticks over the past two days.  I shall definitely do reviews on them but let's just say that Maybelline has some kick ass lipstick formulas.  Can you guess which swatch I ended up buying?

Anyway, so now you know where I've disappeared off too.  I've really just been consumed with studying, painting, and spending time with family and a few friends.  I'll try to post more often but who am I kidding?  I can never promise that.

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