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Virgo season already?!
Monday 1 September 2014 | 0 comments
Hey cuties,

I can't believe it's Virgo season already.  I seems like I've been so preoccupied with the natural rhythm of life that I always forget that I even have a blog.  It was only a couple of days ago that I realized that we've entered Virgo season.  I only really care because my boyfriend is a Virgo ;)

So I've done a little shopping this month.  I went to Garage and found these items on sale!  I only got the crop top and the dress on the right because the middle one didn't fit too well.  I also picked up new panties that I won't be showing, hehe.

I went back to see Mike to get my roots done once he got back from his Japan trip.  He gifted me with a bunch of Muji pens that I love and adore!  They're so fun to use and so cheap over there apparently.  This time, we went with a silver toner but it didn't turn out as silver as I'd like only because it's impossible for us to bleach my hair completely white unless we burn my scalp off.  In the end, I was left with almost a grey-toned brown which was extremely hard to capture through photos but looked quite amazing in real life.

I picked up a new agenda because sadly, my Andy Warhol one is overdue.  I admit, I got extremely lazy with using it during the last 3-4 months but I still adored carrying it around and I just can't bring myself to part with it because it's Andy Warhol themed.  I found this fox one at Chapters and decided to get it because all the pages inside were cute.  It's quite hard to find a nicely designed one from the inside out.  Most of the ones I've seen had a nice cover but very plain and boring interior pages.

I also picked up two books that were on sale for only $2 each.  This is one of the two that I really want to start reading just as soon as I finish Looking For Alaska.

So my boyfriend had a four day weekend so I went and stayed over at his place :)  We watched a couple of movies in bed and had sushi brunch, yummm!  He doesn't live in Toronto so it's quite far to travel to his town but I like being so far away from home while I'm with him.

Tada, here he is!  His name is Zack and he's a Virgo :)  Super cute, isn't he?  He does Muay Thai so I know he can kick anyone's butt if they're bothering me, hahaha.  Him and I are really into comics, that's our thing, I think.  (Check out his cute Super Man shirt).  When people ask how we met, we just tell them that he saved me from a bear.  That's the version we're going with and that's all you'll get hehe!  We're still in our early stages of dating but I adore him a lot and I'm going to be mentioning him a lot more in the future.

Anyway, that's pretty much all for now.  I start school in a week and I'm going camping this weekend so I'll be gone again!  Hopefully I'll have more pictures and stories to tell when I come back.  Although I dislike all the work I'm bombarded with during school months, I'm excited to see everyone and get back into the rhythm of things.  Here's the rest of the month through food and selfies.

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