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Beauty Blender Review
Wednesday 15 April 2015 | 0 comments

I can't seem to sleep right now, so you guys are gonna get a mini review right now.  I've been really vocal about my recent purchase of the Beauty Blender and that's because I'm totally in love with this thing.  That's the review in a nutshell, but let me go through the pros and cons.

So I have to admit, I was pretty skeptical about this when it first got really popular amongst the beauty community.  It seemed like just an egg shaped sponge, big whoop.  It wasn't until I tried my Innisfree cusion foundation that I started to realize that maybe this thing wasn't such BS after all.  The sponge on the cushion foundation felt different from regular makeup sponges and it made makeup application really easy and smooth.  That's when my curiosity started to get to me.

When I got the opportunity to purchase something at Sephora, I ran straight to the Beauty Blender because I was so ready to see what the hype was all about... and let me tell you, the hype is so real it hurts.

This little guy literally does wonders to my face.  The first time I used it, I saw the hype.  It literally made my foundation look flawless like it never has before.  Also, it did wonders to my dry skin and kept it from looking cakey even hours after application.  It wasn't until my friend asked what I used on my face because my makeup was looking incredible that day (I was only using concealer and highlighter with the Beauty Blender) and said my face was extra dewy, that I knew this thing really was doing a lot for me.  I've never heard a single compliment on my face makeup until I used this thing so I think it speaks for itself.

You have to use this wet to get the full affects of what it can really do.  I like that it adds extra dewiness and hydration to my face.  Because it's a sponge, it does sheer out your foundation a tiny bit, but I still managed a medium coverage with one layer, so don't think it'll make your foundation totally useless in terms of coverage.

I mentioned that the cushion foundation was what got me curious about the Beauty Blender and that's because I had a feeling that they were made of the same sponge material.  When I felt it for the first time, I'd say they are similar in texture but the Beauty Blender really is unique with it's own sponge formulation.  It's latex free so it's perfect for people who have latex allergies.  I don't know what this sponge is made out of but it's really worth the price.

Speaking of price, it's pretty expensive for just a makeup sponge.  But like I said, totally worth it.  They recommend you use it up to 3 months before you throw it away and get a new one but I'm going to see how long I can make it stretch.  It's really all about hygienic reasons.  Sponges are going to collect bacteria after a while.  I wash mine every single time I use it so maybe it won't be too bad.

So I've raved about how good this thing is, but let me point out some negatives just to even out the playing field.  Other than the price, I have two main critiques about this product:

Stains: This thing stains like none other.  You really have to scrub it if you want to get all the stains out, and even then it might not all come out.  I'm scared of ripping it if I scrub too hard so I eventually gave up trying to get it looking all nice and clean.  If you're one of those people who are super OCD about getting your sponges looking 100% clean, you're going to have to suck it up with this one because it's not worth all the effort to get a clean looking sponge.  If the water and soap runs clean, just go with it.

Dye:  As you can see, I got the red limited edition that was for Sephora.  I wanted the black one but they didn't carry any at the store I was at.  When I washed it the first time before I used it, tons and tons of dye came out.  It just kept coming out and out to the point where now my sponge is a washed out red-pink colour.  I mean it still works perfectly fine but it's definitely not the colour I wanted it to be.  Not a big deal, but I thought I should mention it just in case any other person was expecting to keep theirs super bright red.  I'm not sure about the other colours, or maybe this was just the one I got.

Anyway, overall I really do like the Beauty Blender and I think it's so worth the hype.

Rating: ★★★★★  5/5

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