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Happy Libra Season!
Wednesday 8 October 2014 | 0 comments
Hi cuties!

I've been away for a whole month, huh?  I feel really bad for neglecting my blog so much but sometimes life just happens.  It's a whole new month and a whole new season!  Libra season, to be exact.  Libras are one of my favourite signs so if you're a Libra, happy birthday to you!

This month has really just been me going over to Zack's every weekend to spend as much time with him as I can.  I wish I could just stay there forever and ever but Monday classes make that totally impossible.  I also need to learn how to manage my time better when I'm over there to get some homework done...  Somehow doing homework when my boyfriend is less than a feet away from me isn't appealing at all.  Go figure :P

I picked up two lipsticks from the drugstore the other week.  I'm in loveeeee with the dark vampy purple, and I'm constantly on the hunt to find a good cool-toned mauve.  All the mauve lipsticks I've found turns out looking bright pink on me because of my cooler undertones.  Boo.  If anyone has any suggestions, let me know!

I stayed home one weekend to catch up on some errands and my friends came over to drink.  I haven't seen my friends in a really long time and it was night to catch up and just have fun for the heck of it.  My circle of friends isn't huge but it's all about quality not quantity, right?

Every time I go to Curry's, I can never walk out without buying something.  This time I picked up a new ruler which I actually needed, and a thin eraser for detailed drawings.  Both of these have proved to be quite handy lately.  It's hard not to want to buy the whole store when you're in there.  Walking into an art supply store really makes me wish I had time to paint these days.  I'm sure I could make myself have time but I'd feel extremely guilty for not spending that time doing homework.  But let's be real, do I ever do homework anyway?

Surprise! I'm not a blonde anymore :(  I say that with a very sad face because I totally miss my blonde, but keeping up with the roots wasn't the best option for me.  Mike and I decided to do an ombre and we lightened my ends even more.  We went with a silver on the ends and darker on the top.  Both will wash out quite nicely in a couple of weeks.  I've gotten a lot of compliments on my hair lately, so I'm glad everyone else seems to love it a lot.  In the future, I plan to become blonde for the rest of my life hehe.

It's only been two days since I last saw Zack but I miss him like crazy :(  It's going to be Thanksgiving this weekend and he's going to come over for a couple of days.  I'm so excited!  I'm going to take him to eat pho for the first time and he's going to love it.  Who doesn't love pho?

Anyway, that's really all I have to say.  Maybe life will get more exciting soon, but for now, that's all I have to share with you.  Now for some pictures :)

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