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Belly Button Piercing Update: June 2014
Tuesday 24 June 2014 | 1 comments
So it's been almost 5 months since I got my belly button pierced.  I got it middle-to-end of February this year.  This piercing takes from 6 to 12 months to fully heal, so I still got a long way.  By the way it's been looking, I know it won't be fully healed by 6 months.

Around the 4th month mark, I started to clean it less, which I shouldn't have done.  I use to do sea salt soaks twice a day and clean it with Original Neutrogena every day in the shower.  I went down to 1 soak in the morning and 1 cleaning in the shower, to just cleaning it in the shower.  This was probably a mistake because I started to get a keloid at the top of my piercing.  Keliods are very common with surface piercings, and my cousin's wife even got one while hers was healing.  She told me to crush some aspirin and make a paste with a few drops of water.  Keep it on the piercing over night and wash it off in the morning.  It started working and my keloid went down slowly.  I also heard that some people add some sea salt in the mixture, so I did that and it went down significantly!  I'm now back to doing 1-2 soaks during the day and a cleaning in the shower at night.

Another thing that happened was that my piercing has migrated a little to the side.  Migration is pretty common as well and there's not much you can do about it.  It doesn't help that I have a slanted navel, anyway.  I don't mind it, but I know others have gotten it redone for this very reason.  I'm sure the keloid had some part in pushing it over to one side.

So no real infection yet, other than the nasty keloid which wasn't very pretty at all.  I did accidentally knock it by accident sometimes and it has started bleeding from rough physical activity like dancing and working out, but that was about it.  Belly button piercings are not a pretty piercing while it's healing, but give it some time and be patient.  Remember that the piercing heals from the outside in, so it may look healed on the outside but it's still healing in the inside! 

Here's what it currently looks like.  You can see the red keloid next to the top ball, but it has gone down significantly from before.  It was crusting and scabbing a lot before I soaked and did the aspirin paste on it.

You can see the piercing clearly slants to one side, but I'm hoping that once the keloid goes away, it wont slant as much.  It doesn't bother me that much though.  I wouldn't redo it just to get it straight again.  The same thing would probably happen.

So this is my 4-5 month update.  I'll probably do another one in a couple of months just to see where I'm at again.

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