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I swear I'm not dead
Tuesday 24 June 2014 | 0 comments
Hi all,

So I've very well aware that the last time I posted was at the beginning of the month.  It is now the middle of the month.  Seriously, I don't know how the days pass so quickly.  Anyway, I've been just dealing with personal stuff.  They're nothing serious or big, but I just needed to take a breather.  I'm still really active on social media so you'll always catch me up on there; less Twitter than Instagram but I try to make an effort to tweet more.  Funny how I use to tweet a lot, and now I hardly do it once a day.

I've been doing Spellbound's chalkboard sign.  Chalk is really tricky to do typography with because it's hard to make super thin lines, but I do what I can.  I'm pretty happy with the way they've turned out for something that was hand done. 

If anyone is in the Toronto downtown area and wants to get their hair professionally done, go to Spellbound and ask for Mike!  They're right across from the Eaton Center and he does an amazing job on hair for both guys and girls. 

In fact, he touched up my roots and gave me a darker toner this time.  It'll eventually wash out to be a nice ashy blonde :)  My hair is always sooooo great after I see him, and even though it's bleached, it doesn't feel damaged AT ALL!  I didn't think that was possible!  Everyone who has felt my hair said that it's still so healthy.  If you're like me and have super fine hair that stylists refuse to bleach to a blonde, go to Mike.  He'll take really good care of your hair.  100% would recommend.

Not only that, but he managed to curl my hair and keep it stayed curled all day, and the next day!  My hair NEVER does that!  I have the type of fine hair that stays stick straight no matter what you do to it.  I was so surprised, no one has ever been able to curl my hair.

I've been trying to practice my hand typography, so I asked Mike to give me a quote.  He apparently chose this one.  If you know where it's from, leave me a comment hehe :)  I really need to work on keeping my hands steady, though. Overall, I think it was a pretty good attempt for practice.

I went downtown one day to help with a photoshoot.  We went down by the harbour and I got to see a part of Toronto that I've surprisingly never explored before.  I even found a giant geese installation and Yo Yo Ma Lane!

We took Katsu with us and I got to take care of him for the weekend.  He's a little rascal and he knows he's cute.  If anyone is wondering, he's a Japanese Spitz.  He's one of three known Japanese Spitz in Toronto, so he's a rare little thing!  Everyone always gives him compliments when they see him.

We later went to Joy Bistro for bunch.  I ordered the Leslieville Eggs Benedict.  It was good, but had too heavy of a butter/diary taste for someone who hates dairy.  For you regular people, you'll love it!  I just really don't like dairy products, so even the smallest hint of butter puts me off.

I spent my weekend over at my cousin's place.  We started off with brunch "at Ryu Kushi".

My favourite is definitely the Chinese sausage and gizzards.  We then headed off to Niagara Falls for wine tasting!  Needless to say, I tried many, many different wines that day.  In the end, we came home with a bunch of bottles of wine.

I finally got a pair of Converse!  They're such a classic shoe that I've always wanted but never got until now.  My brother was buying new shoes and it was buy 1 get the other 50% off, so I was able to get these for about $30.  I was debating between these and a batman printed one, but I chose this one for practicality.  Although I totally would rock the batman logo patterned one.  It just wouldn't match a lot of my clothing.

Corey took me out for Mexican food last night.  It was really good and we drank.  He showed me what a Swedish Berry shot was.  It's delicious!

I was going to do a little belly button piercing update here but I think I'm just going to make a separate post for it right after this.

Also, I got my hands on the Skin79 purple and green BB cream so I'll be reviewing one of them (the other is for my friend and I don't want to open it).  I'll also be doing a post on my new circle lenses that I ordered from Pinky Paradise, as well as a mini review on their site and their service.

Anyway, that's all for now :)  Enjoy the rest of the week!

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