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Merry (belated) Christmas!
Monday 29 December 2014 | 0 comments
Hi cuties,

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas this year.  As I mentioned earlier, it was my first actual Christmas which was really exciting for me, so let me share it with you :)

We celebrated Christmas on Christmas eve because everyone was trying to share their time between different families.

We headed over to the boyfriend's sister's house and their tree was amazing!  I always adored blue ornaments on Christmas trees and I think a lot of people enjoyed this tree on my Instagram haha.  We had a big dinner completed with turkey, veggies, ham, etc.  I love holiday foods, mostly because of the meats and the gravy.  Oh man, was the gravy ever good.

I didn't get a chance to take a picture of all my presents but this is probably one of my (and my boyfriend's) favourites!  His mom got me a selfie stick; something I probably wouldn't have bought for myself but such a fun and trendy gift to receive!  Of course everyone knows I love taking selfies so this is just perfection.  I got a lottttt more stuff which I'll try and take a better picture of when I get the chance.

I love visiting his sister's house because their two dogs are absolutely adorable and sooooo very affectionate :)  Don't you just love animals that do nothing but smother you in love?  The pups were dressed so appropriately.

As the night went on, the boyfriend and I drank lots of alcohol to the point where I was so drunk, I couldn't feel my fingers.  It was a good drunk.  Of course, we busted out the selfie stick and took pictures.

(I was too drunk to find my "good" angle)

I had a really good time!  I'm staying over to celebrate the new years so I won't be home until "next year".  It's fun to be away from home for a little while.  I'm just not really looking forward to going back to school in a week or so. 

So, how was your Christmas?  Did you get everything you wanted off your wishlist?  Let me know :)

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