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Getting back into the game
Friday, 10 May 2013 | 0 comments
Hey you,

Charming just arrived to Shanghai which leaves me completely lonely and utterly bored over here in Canada.  He'll be gone for a whole month and a half.  That doesn't help my situation.  Sigh.  I did finish taking all my medication which means (hopefully) my infection is gone!  I feel much better, so this is a good sign.

Since it's summer, I'm currently looking for a job.  Sadly, none of the places I applied for called me back yet...  TT_____TT  This is very discouraging...  But I will not give up!  In the mean time, I've decided to get back into some things I didn't have time for during the school year.

Tarot Cards

I picked up my deck of tarot cards again and I'm currently still in the process of learning each of the cards.  I managed to get the major arcana down earlier in the year but since then, I haven't touched it and thus I've forgotten most of it...  I plan on re-learning the whole major arcana so I'm definitely familiar with it until I move onto the minor, which I've vowed to learn one card per day, reviewing all the previous ones as well so I don't forget :)

Charming got this zombie deck for me for my birthday and I think it's absolutely perfect!  It's something I would pick out for myself hehehehe.  Did I mention, I tend to have many zombie dreams?  I've had tons and tons in the past, and I still get them pretty frequently now!  I think zombie tarot cards is so perf for me unf.

Working Out

Another thing that I've recently (and when I mean recently, I mean like two days ago...) got back into is working out!  Working out is definitely a summer thing for me.  I do it almost every summer, but I get too darn lazy during the school year which means my body just dies during those long fall/winter months.  But once summer hits, I'm back into it.  I mostly do body toning, focusing on lifting my butt.  I do a bit of weight lifting but I only have 5lb weights do you can tell how unfocused I am on my arms.  Not to worry, because I'm struggling right now anyway.  I don't think I will need anything more than 5lb...  Sigh.  Starting out in the beginning is soooo hard and disappointing.  I think it's the most difficult because my body is so out of shape.  I use to be able to do 20+ push up but right now, I can barely do 10.  It's pathetic, really.  But the key here is to work at it little by little each day and eventually you'll get back into shape and get stronger.  So for anyone that is starting out, do not be disappointed that you can't do as many reps as you thought you could!  It takes time and effort.  Trust me, at one point I couldn't tell if I was sweating or crying.  I'm currently really sore but it'll be all worth it in the end.  I'll show and before and after of my butt once I've done a month or so of working out to see the progress!  I'm so excited hehe.

If anyone is wondering, the workouts I do are from Blogilates on Youtube!  I was actually first introduced to her videos through Bubzbeauty after watching her vlogs and seeing her do some of these videos.  It looked intense, but worth it so I told myself to try it as well.  The two that I do are "Bubble Butt (Clenching my Booty) Workout | POP Pilates for Beginners" and "Victoria Secret Bombshell Butt Workout(sans the textbook weights because I'm just not there yet).  Other than that, I do some simple stuff like sit ups, crunches, lunges and squats.  And of course, I lift my weights for a while as well and do some push ups, but that's pretty much all that I do for my arms and upper body. 

Gossip Girl

So I know I'm really late in the game but I started watching Gossip Girl last September (I think?) and I've only now gotten to season 6.  If I'm not mistaken, this is the last season, right?  I can't imagine what I will do when I finally finish watching.  FYI: I've already watched the last episode so I know who Gossip Girl is haha.  I know the majority of people hate spoilers but I love them!  Watching the show while knowing who it is really is an interesting perspective on the whole series.  You'll come to learn that there are lots of loop holes in the plot that the writers obviously haven't thought about.  Non the less, pretty good. 

Along with Gossip Girl, I'm watching New Girl, Once Upon A Time, and Criminal Minds; all of which I am caught up and waiting each week for the new releases.  I hate waiting, so I usually watch old already finished series but these shows are the bomb :D 

Other than that...  I've really nothing else to update on.  If you visit my Instagram, you'll pretty much see what I'm up to daily :P  I'll just stick in a few pictures just because.


I saw this picture in a magazine while waiting at the dentist.  I don't know why but it made my heart just dlgjerioshgkdjfklgjfdslkgjlkfds  I mean, look how happy that old woman is!  We did this thing in photography this year which was to analyze each picture and theorize what situation is happening in each photo.  In this one, I think this woman is poor and doesn't get much food to eat on a regular basis, but this man who probably works for a charity foundation is supplying her with food (flour? rice?) and she's super happy to receive it.  What really gets me is the expression on her face.  You can tell she's super duper happy and that smile just melts my heart; she's so adorable!  If old people don't hold a special place in your heart, you need to get some things sorted out.  Just kidding~  But no really.  Something about old people makes me feel so dlkgfdkljgfds T^T  Let me love you pleaseeeee~ 

Look how many passion tea lemonades I have on my table OTL  I've accumulated one more since this picture thanks to Charming.  I think we may have a serious problem developing here but I can't quite be sure...  Hmmm...  Let me think that over with some PTL :)  It's a Venti, and note that the one in Scarborough is sweeter than the one in Markham.  I've started to notice. 

This was the last meal I had with Charming before he left for Shanghai...  We went to a Japanese/Korean restaurant that we've gone to a couple of times and they always seem to give us free stuff each time we're there.  I'm convinced it's because of Charming's charming looks ;D  Their appetizers were really good that day!  Since it's getting warmer, they busted out the mangos which made everything so yummy and refreshing.  We ended up getting a sushi/sashimi/tempura bento box and a plate of jap chae.  All so yummy and so filling.

I don't know why my pasta always end up looking like crap on the plate, but it's oh so good in your mouth.  Since Charming, I've gradually learned how to make a decent plate of pasta.  That day, I put bacon, garlic, tomato sauce, Tabasco chipotle, and Sriracha in it to make it super yummy.  It was pretty bomb.  Had it for a midnight snack and saved some for the morning as well.  What?  You don't eat pasta in the morning for breakfast?  Oh, well you're missing out.  


That's pretty much it.  I don't have much to talk about now because I'll pretty much be home 24/7 since I'm a loner and no one wants to hang out with me.  But I have a family dinner tomorrow night which will be something, I guess.  I've rambled a little too much today, more than I thought I would.  No one minds, right?  Right. 

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